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Norway Population 2024

Norway's Population: A Tale of Growth and Change

A Historical Perspective

Norway's population has experienced significant growth over the centuries. The first official census, conducted in 1769, revealed a population of 723,000. By 2013, the country's population surpassed five million.

Current Trends

As of May 3, 2024, the population of Norway stands at 5,507,980, according to Worldometer. The population density is estimated at approximately 3 people per square kilometer.

Factors Influencing Growth

The growth of Norway's population can be attributed to several factors, including improved healthcare, increased life expectancy, and immigration. The country has also experienced a relatively low birth rate in recent years.

Implications for the Future

Norway's population growth has implications for the country's economy, infrastructure, and social services. As the population continues to grow, it will be important for the government to address these challenges effectively.
